Vehicles - Law Enforcement - Prisoner Transport

Safe, Cost-Effective Prisoner Transport
North Star custom-built prisoner transport vehicles are safe and cost effective. Because our units are not modified stock vehicles, you can expect a higher level of performance and safety.
Increased Capacity
Our transport vehicles can be designed to hold 13 to 34 prisoners and are available in various configurations depending on your needs. The North Star Mini Module comfortably and safely holds 13 prisoners and 2 officers. No special driver’s license is required.
Safer than modified stock vehicles
Units are easy to clean and disinfect, with all-aluminum seats and rock-hard polyurea coated interiors. Separate air systems in the cab and module make transfer of airborne diseases from inmates to officers less likely. They also offer excellent maneuverability and a reduced rollover risk.
Contact your local area Sales Representative to learn more about standard features and available options on a North Star prisoner transport unit.